After Rebuild: Engine

These images are of the 964 engine and transmission before, during and after the complete rebuild. The mechanic for the engine rebuild was Paul Ross. He is the mechanic Henry uses to do the
actual engine work. He’s an x-IRL and Porsche mechanic. He can be reached at the following email address . His phone number is 765-537-2798.

He did a complete top end valve job. As part of this, he replaced all exhaust guides, ground all valves, surfaced the heads and put in a new top end gasket set. Prior to the rebuild, I was burning a quart of Mobil 1 every 1500 to 2000 miles. Since the rebuild, my oil level gauge and dip stick show no oil loss after more that 4000 miles..


The heads removed from the engine before they were cleaned. These are some of the most vivid symbols of the reason for the rebuild. These and the smoke cloud I’d leave at stop lights. The wire on the left is going to the engine temperature gauge.


These are so attractive I hate to cover them up. The wire coming from the number three head is the temperature sensor.


The engine cooling fan duct is caked in dirt and oil. The wires are the spark plug wires from the primary and secondary distributers on the driver side of the engine are routed over the fan housing to the passenger side.


The crankcase before cleaning. It also is caked with oil and dirt. The camshaft cover and heads have been removed.


The cleanliness of the crankcase halves is amazing.


The halves are attached and sealed.


The cylinder heads and camshaft housing are bolted onto the newly cleaned crankcase.


Rags are keeping dirt from getting into the input ports. The black camshaft chain cases in the foreground are attached to both sides of the crankcase. The black straps also in the foreground are the fan housing restraining straps.


This is the passenger side of the engine. The three holes in the camshaft cover are for the top three spark plugs. There are three holes just below each of these. There are twelve sparkplugs, two each per cylinder.


The engine capsule after cleaning.


The engine capsule after cleaning.


In this image the primary and secondary distributers have been attached. The primary distributer driven by a gear connected to the crankshaft. The secondary distributer is driven by rubber belt connected to the primary distributer. The cooling cover and fan housing have been added.The inside pulley on the cooling fan is for the alternator. The outside pulley in this image actually runs the fan. The belt that is missing on the outside of the pulley on the crankshaft is for the air conditioner (which is not yet attached).


Both the left and right air intake (black cylinders on top of engine) distributers are attached.


The black rectangle (to the right of the air intake tube) is the air cleaner without the back attached. Just below is the power steering pump.


The small cable on the right side of the image is the oxygen sensor attached to the catalytic converter.The large diameter tubes on both sides of the flywheel are the left and right side heat exchangers. The tube between them is the cross pipe.